Kevin & Friends series is a YouTube cartoon series inspired by Diary of a Wimpy Kid. It was created by Kevin in 2013, started as drawing fan diaries and then animated shows in 2019.
Kevin & Friends series is a fictional story about 3 to 7 teenage superheroes who keeps all of the orphans in the world in his floating base in the sky. Their superpowers were gifted from God and their job is to keep everything in the entire universe peaceful and in balance to prevent negativity. If there are no issues at all, then Kevin and his whole group can have free time in his base. In Summer 2018, Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles joins Kevin and transfer all of the World Rings and the Emeralds into the power vault to protect it. Therefore, if one ring or one emerald is missing, the base system will alert the superheroes to get it back.
In 2013, Kevin bought the blank Diary from Jeff Kinney at Walmart. He was obsessed with writing the Dairy every day. His first drawing looks the same as the normal Diary of a Wimpy Kid (a.k.a. Greg Heffley). When years passed, Kevin's drawings get improved. In 2015, Kevin changed the look of the eyes and the hair. By 2020, his cartoon got beautiful and hit artwork v6.