Just wanted to give a little heads up here about some things about Ages Team and stuff. This is not bad or good news, or anything like that. This is just a neutral message for all of you.
Just wanted to let you guys know that most Ages Team games are progressing incredibly slowly for now due to IRL (In-Real-Life) challenges. Our school(s) have been in a rush lately and assignment due dates are tight.
I understand that this may worry some people, but as I mentioned on some other platforms, Ages Team is still just a non-profit organization development group; we use most of our free time to work on projects and such, even I still have Tech-Magical Attraction to finish and one more game for Gandi IDE's SGJ #8 on itch.io. I kind of felt a bit guilty for drawing myself away from Ages Team for a while, and V0LT City is a project that I worry about the most; the team has been struggling to keep up with it a little. I know they're trying, but it's quite difficult.
It's true what they say, it's hard to keep up with things you enjoy making during your free time when other important things are in a tight schedule. So, by this Saturday, I'll schedule a meeting with Ages Team so that we can discuss our priorities. They're probably gonna have to put most projects to a temporary halt so that they can have extra time to finish up their schoolwork. I'll tell you more about what's gonna happen by next week.
Again, this is not bad or good news. Ages Team is not in danger or anything. There are just some things that are more important than others. I can promise you that none of the games are getting canceled, either; you don't need to worry about anything.
The only favor I will need to ask you guys is to be more patient. I understand that you don't like waiting, but it's something that is unavoidable in life sometimes, and that doesn't mean it's bad. If you can wait longer, then I appreciate it. I'll guarantee that as soon as we're done with school and other priorities, we'll get back to our production.
Thank you all for reading and understanding this.
- Papichi05, CEO and Founder of Ages Team.